Studio Redesign Narrative Exploration

Screen Shot 2015-09-21 at 11.45.15 PM

Presentation of studio redesign:app2


For this project I chose to explore the various possibilities of what we can do with the Smartthings app rather than what can we do if we connect Smartthings in IFTTT. Many students in the environments studio, over the past couple of days, have been complaining about the quantity of notifications one receives on their phone after linking the devices in the room to it.

For my exploration I chose to describe a scenario in which a student in environments wants to see if the newly added collaboration area in studio is being occupied. The student is far away from studio and doesn’t want to go in just to find out whether the space is being occupied. Through the Smartthings app the student can see if any devices are connected, view a schedule of who is planning on using the space, or sync their own device remotely if they are running late for a group meeting and want to share their work ahead of time.

I believe that talking in small groups about student work is one of the most effective ways to develop your ideas so I really wanted to incorporate an interactive board, or a Promethian board, into our design space. It can allow students to easily draw over whatever areas they want to edit in their work, share it on a large scale, and therefore develop better working solutions. I also wanted to be able to show the relationship between things going on in studio and things going on outside of studio. I think that this is a good solution because this function is not constantly notifying students about who is hooked up to the board.

Although I think my idea is a good one to work with, I had some trouble deciding how to lay out my story so that it was clear to understand. I experimented with having multiple slides with the same image but shifting your focus to its different features and I think that it was a good way to explain my thought processes. One thing that I’m not happy with is the quality of my photoshopping skills. I need to find ways for my images to become more believable to the viewer so that they can fully immerse themselves in the world I’m trying to create.

One thought on “Studio Redesign Narrative Exploration

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