
Week Class Date Day Class Activities Class Deliverables HW Assigned Assignment Due
1 1 1Sep / 27Oct Tue Introduction, brief on exploring environments around campus Upload picture and bio to course the blog A1. Visually Expressing Environments:  Wireframes (UX flow) of research site (digital) Class 2
2 3Sep / 29Oct Thur Articulate materials that make up environments. Study Design Patterns Triggering events:  Set up IFTTT account, connect course blog  with twitter feed update. connect blog to the course blog/various apps A1. Visually Expressing Environments: Story-boarding  Class 3
2 3 8Sep / 3Nov Tue Design patterns & environments / documenting environments Photo documentation of environments – reference storyboards using photo + wires – Bill Moggridge, Designing Interactions p. 300  A1. Visually Expressing Environments: Capturing & expressing an environment  Class 4
4 10Sep / 5Nov Thur Sketching, Modeling and Prototyping Visualize 3D form using CAD software, Produce physical mock-up of space  A1. Visually Expressing Environments: 3d CAD intro  Class 5
3 5 15Sep / 10Nov Tue Study environments’ materials. Introduction to hybrid environments  Sketching interactions in studio space (IFTTT hacking: trigger at least 5 events of chain reaction) A2. Sketching Interactions in Environments: Create narratives using responsive environments  Class 6
6 17Sep / 12Nov Thur Present A2. mini-experiments. / Understanding the temporal dimensions in space Sketch scenarios for an asynchronous communication in space A2. Sketching Interactions in Environments: Create a prototype of async communication system in the environment  Class 7
4 7 22Sep / 17Nov Tue Studio visits Report/discuss findings from the studio visits A2. Sketching Interactions in Environments: Prototype design useful interactions for studio space I. Class 8
8 24Sep / 19Nov Thur Design studio explorations Propose new design studio space A2. Sketching Interactions in Environments: Prototype design useful interactions for studio space II.  Class 9
5 9 29Sep / 24Nov Tue Prototype and Iterate I. What is a learning environment? Sketch an experience for learning environments of the future. A4. Prototyping Learning Environments: Storyboard, wires of the interactive experience in the future of learning environments  Class 10 / A3. Due Week
10 1Oct / 26Nov Thanks Giving Thur Present the design idea/ Prototype and Iterate II. Refine the experience design of  learning environments of the future. A4. Prototyping Learning Environments: Prototype the experience in the future of learning environments Class 11/ A3. Due Final
 6 11 6Oct / 1Dec  Tue Design check point/ Test Refine, and Iterate I. Video sketch of E2E UX flow in the environment A4. Prototyping Learning Environments: Build proof of concept demo. Collect/generate design assets for video sketch  Class 13
 12 8Oct / 3Dec Thur Design check point/ Test Refine, and Iterate II. Demo/video documentation  of proof-of-concept demo A4. Prototyping Learning Environments: Finalize & document interactive demo. Showcase the full experience via video prototype/sketch  Class 13
7 13 13Oct / 8Dec Tue Design check point Prototype / movie check-in In-progress critique of A4 demo and movie  Class 14
14 15Oct / 10Dec Thur Design check point Refined online documentation of final projects In-progress critique of presentation for A4 and Demo. Class 15
8 15 20Oct / 15Dec Tue Final Stage: Presentations/ Design critic Final presentations Online documentation Final class
16 22Oct / 17Dec Thur Celebrate Fin.