
I can’t believe the mini is over. I enjoyed the past eight weeks so much, and I can’t imagine switching gears to a new discipline. The final project really inspired me and motivated me to keep learning and to push my ideas further. I feel very passionate about the work that Gilly and I did, and I think the project overall was a success.

The last time we had a critique, we had just come to the idea of Shuffle. We were really excited about this development because our previous idea of sustainability felt too disconnected from all the work that we did concerning the studio layout. We got a lot of feedback and we felt a little overwhelmed with the amount of ways we could go and the amount of time that we had. If we had had more time, I would have loved to continue to iterate and expand on the collaboration aspect. I would have also loved to refine the interfaces a bit more. It also would have been nice to have had the opportunity to change the studio layout a couple more times. We didn’t really get to experiment with desk sharing or removing all the dividers.

I learned so much from this project. I saw how  real-time feedback from your peers is extremely informative. I also experienced how hard it is to please everyone. Besides the differences between how everyone works, other students had their own ideas about what would be the best studio environment. We realized that usually people express a very idealistic idea of what they want. It was up to Gilly and I to evaluate what was practical and within scope. However, we got a lot of good feedback from our peers and a lot of aspects that people enjoy about the new space are things that were mentioned to us by one of our peers. Listening to your users is integral in the design process.

I am really glad that we got to work with an environment that we had access to 24/7 because it allowed for a greater understanding of all the environments in studio.  It became more than a place to work; studio became a place where we had a heightened sense of what was happening and what everything meant. We could experience and react and build off of that learning. I am so grateful for that experience. I have never been so immersed and aware of where I was before.

I think we had a really successful concept. It got a lot of people’s attention and solved a problem that everyone in studio was experiencing. We really wondered why software like Shuffle doesn’t already exist; it would have pushed our layout redesign so much further. Even though we can’t actually use shuffle, I think it opened up my eyes to how important the layering of information is. You can miss a lot of connections by not looking at your data and notes and observations and paying attention to where they overlap or disagree.

Our usage of the velcro was also very successful. Gilly and I immediately noticed the difference in our work habits; we started prototyping much more rapidly and quickly started to understand what wasn’t working in any of our layouts and what we hadn’t fully explored yet. I really saw the value in physical prototyping through this project. It was so much more informative to me on an intuitive and subtle level.

Using the software was extremely challenging. SketchUp and Depthmap gave us so many headaches. We spent a lot of time trying to get around the obstacles we encountered. Even after this frustration inspired us to create Shuffle, we still had to deal with it in order to fully communicate our final deliverable. We struggled with hardware too like the projector and getting the right level of brightness that would show up in our video. One thing I would definitely do differently is experiment more with the different projectors we were given because I think the one we used seemed to have a bad lightbulb when you compare it to the quality of the SketchUp animation in the video which was significantly brighter and was projected from a separate device.  However, time got in the way of us further exploring this issue. We started on the Shuffle idea and video late in the game since we spent so much time rearranging the space which turned into two or three weeks of research that led to the creation of Shuffle. There definitely wouldn’t be Shuffle without our own physical studio exploration.

Next time for our presentation I think I would have liked to plan a little bit more for the presentation. I needed more practice concisely explaining the concepts and our process work.

I am really excited to submit our project to a design competition.  I am very passionate about our work and the concept, so I am confident that it will show through our documentation and process.

This semester has been an unbelievably fast paced and intense eight weeks, but I have learned so much. This last assignment especially was an incredible growing experience for me and I am so grateful to have completed it.

Reflection 10.13

I am really happy about the layout that Gilly and I came up with. I think that everyone felt a lot better about the environment that we created compared to last time. All the problems that we solved last time stayed solved and a couple of areas were improved. The space between the studios that is created when the wall is open is great for large scale prototyping and helped a couple students create prototypes for class. The people who felt that they were in isolation did not feel isolated in this layout. Privacy also increased for the people who felt that last time they did not have a personal space any more because of their desks orientation. I noticed that my desk blocked my vision a bit, but we increased visibility for a majority of students. And an added bonus was that we made the students in the other studio happy as well. They were enjoying the extra space and communication just as much as we were.

If we make any more changes to the space, I think it would just be concerning the dividers and seeing what happens when we remove more of them.

From the critiques that we got from Peter and Austin, we walked away knowing that our focus was going to be solely on rearranging space. While the sustainability aspect was really interesting to both of us, we need to narrow our concentration.

A lot of great directions were brought up about how we can create a digital or hybrid environment that supplements the physical space. I think we should stay away from mobile applications and try to combine SketchUp, DepthMap and physical modeling and prototyping to optimize ideation.

Reflection 10.8

Gilly and I were really excited about the results from actually moving furniture in studio. We tried a couple of layouts, making sure that we were solving the immediate issues with the bicycle racks and relocating the crit space.

The main obstacles we ran into were giving everyone enough space around their  desk to sit and work comfortably and creating a flow so people can walk and move about easily. I think with the amount of space we have and the size of the desks, this is going to be a challenge no matter what.

The aspect of the new layout that everyone liked the most was actually something that we did not really change. Gilly and I opened up the whiteboard wall between the two studios, and the atmosphere completely changed. Everyone was so excited about the increase of light and the openness. I think that everyone was feeling a little too cramped and turning the two studios into one open space has made everyone feel more at ease. We really don’t have a lot of space for the amount of people in C and E. It doesn’t help that our desks are so big either. A lot of space is also lost from having the white board wall in the middle. I hope the new layout will give everyone a bit more space.

In class we heard some new opinions about how the layout felt with crit happening:

  • Some desks lost a lot of privacy being close too close to the middle of the room or because of their orientation
  • Some were too close to the wall and had trouble seeing the projection
  • Bikes were much easier to get in and out

Moving the critique to the middle of the room highlighted the fact that a lot of people are not paying attention during crits. I really want to create an in class environment where people have to pay attention when a critique is going on.

Some suggestions going forward:

  • Get rid of some dividers and make a “desk sharing” area
  • Pick new seats after seeing the new layout
  • Angling the desks
  • Use the velcro for quick, tangible prototyping

We also need to think about our sustainability narratives and to enrich those. That will be our biggest challenge since we don’t have a lot of access to the technology. However we will focus on starting to increase awareness and starting conversation.

Reflection 10.6

The meeting that Gilly and I had with Azizan Aziz went very well, but we have a lot to think about going forward.  We don’t have enough time to implement what is implemented upstairs in the Intelligent Workplace, but we can create a plan for how monitors and sensors can be incorporated into the space.

I think we need to focus on starting a conversation between people in studio about our consumption. Increasing awareness is the first step to making sustainability a priority. Azizan showed us some charts of heating and cooling in office spaces and explain to us how those visualizations of data can help to quickly and accurately pin point problems in the system. We think that this could be a great way to communicate consumption issues since everyone in studio responds well to visualized data.

Going forward, Gilly and I will first attempt to change the layout of the studio and get feedback from our peers. We want to try to solve some issues with manual changes before thinking about the technology that will supplement later.

A4 Process

Looking at different ways of creating heat as well as maintaining heat.

Scan 3

Exploration of PEM, personal environmental module. How to move heating elements increase the mobility of the mechanical system.

Scan 1

Exploration of using individual bikes for power. Steve: “Heating air is incredibly inefficient”.


Different ways to generate energy through human power as well as heat the rest the human body with motion. Stationary pedals with generator. Heat and cooling fan powered in user controlled proportions.

Scan 1.2

User moves heating elements by hand, for direct contact with body. Cooling system initially set by human. Areas sweating will be added to “rotation list” for motion tracking list. Infrared or camera will detect excess sweat.

Scan 2

Demo Progress:

Stationary Pedal Exerciser. Although this will in no way power a fan or a heat generator, the pedals will serve to prove the feasibility of pedaling while working. Also, those pedaling while sitting will feel the heat they generate because of their muscles creating energy to pedal.


Cardboard prototype of crank

Design of crank as well as framing further direction of project.


Crank design out of cardboard taped to generator.


Second test type of crank. This version felt far less unstable.


For my final cardboard prototypes I ended up shortening the length of the crank in order to for a user to more comfortably turn the crank.


This is my preliminary proof of concept demo. While the crank is a final product, the fan itself is bent paper taped to the front of a motor. This proves the viability of using human energy to power a fan.

I explored the possibilities of charging batteries or storing charge over time. However, through looking at how warmth would be produced, I reasoned that a direct transfer of energy would be most effective in heating a human. I also began to specifically define what my heating system would be capable of.

Scan 3

I had trouble defining how the fans or heating would work in specifics. While I worked through many different issues I had difficulty showing my design process in my final project.

Scan 4

Here I looked at the user and what they would be experiencing when using the heat system.
Scan 5

I finally created a wireframe concept that I felt content with that involved manipulating a thermal image of the user. However, these wireframes didn’t make it to the final because they weren’t essential to the story I was trying to tell.

Scan 6

Initial wireframes. The three main avenues I wanted to capture were quick heat manipulation, and specific heating and cooling settings.R2Wireframes

Personal critique of wireframes.

scan7 2.1

Idea to use analog knob in order to alter temperature while giving digital feedback. The standard interface of the app could be displayed with AR.

scan7 1

I finally began my storyboarding process, finding the key moments that would define what my story was was. I tried to use the quote: “You’re not telling the truth, you’re telling a story” in order to guide my storyboarding process.

scan7 2

Continued storyboarding of key events.

scan7 3

I revisited my app interface late in the project. I ended up wasting time trying to polish a relatively insignificant part of my final project.


Continuing work on the heat dial.scan7 4

Storyboard index cards. The middle three rows were the main storyline. So the shot order is left to right row of 3, row of 1, and row of 5. The two index cards in the middle were alternates.


These are the storyboards annotated with stage directions and the meanings behind what I wanted to show with each shot.


My initial dial for a user to determine how much heat they wanted. The red was meant to represent heat and would be the unit of measure since the user would heat themselves with the pedals as well as a heating pad, while just the fan produced cool air. However, after talking with classmates, I reasoned that the design was too ambiguous to be used.

Point1 5.13.20 AM

Final version of my InVision app wireframes.


Final Video

Credit for Arduino and Processing code:


Pedal Powered Generator – The Power Box


I wanted to reduce the heating costs of a building and bring about energy consumption awareness.

I learned how to “tell a design story”, storyboard videos, use InVision, wire arduino and motors, and the basics on how to shoot a design video.
Critiques and guidance from professors helped with how to construct and storyboard a design story. Classmates in design helped with InVision while a friend in electrical and computer engineering helped with the arduino wiring. I looked to many different videos online as inspiration for my final product.
Most of the new skills I learned  within the last week and a half of the project.
My planning for this project went well until the last week. I had a frisbee tournament the weekend before the project was due, taking up at least 20 hours as well as leaving me tired. That left me with much less time than I wish I had for the video.
In looking over my work I would sometimes get overly obsessive about details that didn’t matter in the final project such as my wireframes or the exact workings of my heat system. This wasted significant time that could’ve been devoted to other tasks.
    What would you do diff
    Emotions felt
I felt a fair amount of stress especially because the final project culminated a video. I wasn’t sure what I was doing with the arduino and thus felt out of my league, contributing to the stress. The video component of the project was stressful as I wanted to only shoot during the daytime in order to have better lighting. However, now looking back at my work, I feel content in what I was able to accomplish given the circumstances.
I was distracted by minute details in my interface design, specifically the design of the heating control. I also spent too much time making my InVision app look realistic, such as adding color to my on and off switches.
Overall throughout the project I felt incredibly motivated to work. My motivation dipped when researching different competing products and around 4:00 am the day before the final show. The other bike products that produced energy made me feel as if I wasn’t innovating any form of new design. At 4:00 am I lost my motivation to edit my video in After Effects due to tiredness. However, I felt driven the next morning after sleeping a couple hours.
    What were you challenged by?
I was challenged by how to evolve a concept into a story in design and how to tell it. That encompassed tying together and showcasing many different ideas I had about how to improve the heating in studio. Even finishing certain aspects of my concept, finalizing what I would be showcasing was difficult for me. The shooting and editing of the final video was challenging in that I felt I wasn’t quite getting the perfect shot.
    What did you do well?
I felt that I stretched myself and my abilities for the final show and am proud that I got all the mechanical components of the project to work while hiding the components of the system. Also, I was happy with how my demo pieces appeared.
    What would you do differently?
In the future I would prioritize my time, spending a proportionate amount of time on significant parts of the project. I spent too much time on app design and not enough time on my final storyboarding, editing, and shooting. Being able to quickly produce work that is passable for it’s role in a project will benefit me in the future. Finally, I will opt out of extracurriculars if I have a final project due soon, even if there are social consequences.

A4 Final and Process Work

Final Process File for Shuffle (includes link to demo video)

Reflection for Final Shuffle Project A4

Reflection for First Iteration of A4

Alex and I really wanted to focus on sustainability in our project. We think there is a lot of untapped potential in the desk arrangement, placement and scale of the crit space and its different components such as the collaborative table and the projection. Through our meeting with Mr. Aziz we would like to gain insight into the different ways in which we as students can monitor and track different types of energy consumption and, with this data, come up with new ways to make our practices in studio more sustainable.

We are both very much on the same page with where we see this project going and it is exciting to see all of the potential that this space has. We are looking forward to learning new technical skills that will further enhance our presentation and concept. As of now, I think we need the meeting with Mr. Aziz to happen, and to gather information from that, in order for our project to move forward. I think we view this project as a studio redesign as well as a way for us to modify behaviors of the room and its users so that the outputs are more sustainable.