A4 Final and Process Work

Final Process File for Shuffle (includes link to demo video)

Reflection for Final Shuffle Project A4

Reflection for First Iteration of A4

Alex and I really wanted to focus on sustainability in our project. We think there is a lot of untapped potential in the desk arrangement, placement and scale of the crit space and its different components such as the collaborative table and the projection. Through our meeting with Mr. Aziz we would like to gain insight into the different ways in which we as students can monitor and track different types of energy consumption and, with this data, come up with new ways to make our practices in studio more sustainable.

We are both very much on the same page with where we see this project going and it is exciting to see all of the potential that this space has. We are looking forward to learning new technical skills that will further enhance our presentation and concept. As of now, I think we need the meeting with Mr. Aziz to happen, and to gather information from that, in order for our project to move forward. I think we view this project as a studio redesign as well as a way for us to modify behaviors of the room and its users so that the outputs are more sustainable.

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